Sunday, January 9, 2011

Laying Down Self (not so easy but so necessary)

So I went to update all of you many times today and decided not to because I could not for the life of me decide what to write about. I didnt feel I had anything update worthy. As many of you know I spent the better or all of Thursday Friday and Saturday in bed, this didnt bring about much to share besides what was in the last post. So as all of you are getting out of bed and drinking your morning coffee and heading off to church, others of you are at dairy conventions (shout out to my WI family) :) I am just finishing well almost finishing a big project. Today I woke up feeling alot better but missed my ride to Uppal because I was reading the bible:) I do believe God allowed me to miss the ride as it is now 6pm ish and my ride would have just now dropped me off and its been and up and down tummy day. The big project I was referring to was working on planing and organizing the missions teams agenda. They are coming from Illinois and land the day I leave. So I am making all of the packets for the team so they can help the kids write their letters to their sponsors. I will do the pre-school kids because the team doesnt know them so it would be to hard for them to do it. And I am looking forward to hanging with my little ones and playing with paint:) at least thats what i want to do, not sure if lynne will go for it:)
So health wise I am doing ok, continual prayer would be appreciated as my stomach is acting up in a way it has never before it hurts really bad all of a sudden and i have to lay down and i have this excessive acidity thing goin on... not fun...
But I decided to update you on what the past few days has been all about besides being sick. as you read in the last post I have learned alot about the creator of the universe. And I have also realized how much I dont even begin to even begin to realize to understand about Him. The fact thats it is not about doing His will or living His purpose out in your life but about having a Love Relationship With Him that out of that you do everything in life out of Love for Him thus it is in His will arbitrarily. Its kind of complex yet so simple, even as I am typing it I am still trying to grasp it. So if you want to hear the Lord its first about developing a loving relationship with Him.. so thats what I am working on denying self- not easy, and loving Him!! so yeah tonight as all of you are in church I am gonna spend the evening in prayer, because relationships take time and with my busy life i NEED to learn how to prioritize my time and not give Him the last from my field but the first the best, what I would give to a man I am madly in love with.. s enjoy church this morning, enjoy worshiping this amazing loving God we serve and know I am worshiping with you!!!

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